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The 'kill granny' bill

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  • The 'kill granny' bill

    After reading this article by Betsy McCaughey you will understand why Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow and their Leftist cronies in the fringe media are trying hard to destroy Betsy.

    She dug out these two facts--both of which will penalize doctors and have Washington politicians decide the value (and reimbursement for all procedures).

    "* A "race to the bottom" provision (p. 102 of the revised chairman's mark) would take effect each year for the next five years. The provision penalizes doctors who end up in the 90th percentile or above on the cost of what they use to treat their patients, compared with national averages. The intent is to force down the cost of care, year by year. Yet this blunt instrument can't determine which care is actually wasteful -- it will punish doctors for treating high cost patients with complex conditions. Inevitably, it will lower the quality of care.

    * Even more devastating is the amendment Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) got inserted into the bill (revised chairman's mark, pp. 102-3). It gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services the power to define quality, cost-effective care for each medical condition and penalize doctors who spend more on their patients."

    The Baucus bill raises taxes by about $350 billion, while taking $404 billion from current Medicare from senior citizens health care. This bill will literally kill "granny" by rationing health care, and at the same time kill the middle class by the largest tax increase in the history of mankind.

    This bill is a killer, and that is why the Left is trying to kill Betsy, so they can kill America.
