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Guv: No Water, No Bills

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  • Guv: No Water, No Bills

    A dangerous game of "chicken" is being played out in Sacramento. The players are the Governor on one side and the Democrats on the other.

    Arnold is swearing he will veto 700 bills on October 11 if the Democrats, who control the legislature, do not give him a water bill he approves of. "The governor has called a Big 5 meeting of himself and legislative leaders, tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, to discuss progress on water negotiations and on the hundreds of bills that have already been passed by both houses.

    Steinberg spokeswoman Alicia Trost said Schwarzenegger did not formally ask Steinberg to withdraw the hundreds of Senate bills on the governor's desk. And in the e-mail, Steinberg said his advice to members was "not to participate in the silliness and continue to do our jobs."

    In the past, it has been the Governor who blinked--finding an excuse for going back on his word--that is why the Democrats feel comfortable to call Arnold's bluff. In four days the game will be over--will the people of California win or will the politicians win? My bet is on the politicians.
