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Obama Gives $400,000 to Gadhafi Children's Charities

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  • Obama Gives $400,000 to Gadhafi Children's Charities

    For years Barack Obama has been helping ACORN. A few months ago he closed down General Motors and Chrysler, giving controlling interest to the unions that supported his campaign for President.

    President Obama has made sure Andy Stern is given direct access to the Oval Office--Stern is the head of the SEIU and on the Board of ACORN.

    Now our President is giving $400,000 in "charity" money (our tax dollars), to the son and daughter of the terrorist leader of Libya, Gadhafi. "The Gadhafi Development Foundation is described by the BBC as "a charity which tries to project a new and positive image of Libya." why should our taxes to go promote the "goodness" of Libya, when they just gave a hero's welcometo the terrorist who killed almost 200 people on Pan am flight 103?

    Why is the Hillary Clinton State Department propping up this terrorist regime? We should demand this money back and the firing of Clinton--giving money, our money to terrorists, is a crime...she needs to be indicted for this violation of human rights and support of the terrorist regime in Libya.

    What do you think?
