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Redefine "Personhood" to Stop Abortions?

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  • Redefine "Personhood" to Stop Abortions?

    If Roe v Wade can not be reversed, then use the Liberal tactic of redefining the terms to change policy.

    In this case, those wanting to protect human life want to change the term "personhood". "Abortion foes, tired of a profusion of laws that limit but do not abolish abortion, are trying to answer the question in a way that they hope could put an end to legalized abortion.

    Across the country, they have revived efforts to amend state constitutions to declare that personhood -- and all rights accorded human beings -- begins at conception.

    From Florida to California, abortion foes are gathering signatures, pressing state legislators and raising money to put personhood measures on ballots next year.

    When a baby is conceived, it is a person, a human. It is not a car, cat or monkey, it is a human being. Our Constitution protects all citizens, born and unborn. Liberals like Peter Singer, an advisor to Barack Obama believes a baby can be "aborted" up to two years AFTER delivery! His view is that as long as a baby can not exist on its own--get food--then it is not alive.

    Words have meaning. Change the definition of a baby and you save a life. What do you think of this approach?
