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Federal Judge Take Control of California Desert

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  • Federal Judge Take Control of California Desert

    Who says that California is self-governing? Issue by issue, the Federal courts are taking over control of California--schools, roads, prisoners--now our desert.

    "U.S. District Judge Susan Illston on Monday ruled that the West Mojave plan, which the bureau approved in 2006 after a decade of development, is "flawed because it does not contain a reasonable range of alternatives" to limit the number of miles of off-road routes.

    She also determined that the bureau's analysis of the routes' impacts on air quality, soils, plant communities and sensitive species such as the Mojave fringe-toed lizard was inadequate, pointing out that the desert and its resources are "extremely fragile, easily scarred, and slowly healed."

    All that means is that some judge wants a playground to run--so she uses words with little background. Time for the approved plan to be implemented and start proceeding to take the judge off the bench on the grounds of abuse of power.

    What a joke, judges on power trips wanting something to play with.
