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Democrat "Paid off" for Support of Drug Companies?

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  • Democrat "Paid off" for Support of Drug Companies?

    Step by step, one by one, the Democrat members of Congress are being investigated and caught using their office for personal advancement and aggrandizement.

    In this case a Democrat Congressman from Arkansas gets paid possibly twice the value of some property, by a drug company--while the Democrat is a key player in the Obamacare proposal.

    Earlier today we reported on the investigation of California State Senator Rod Wright for possibly lying about his place of residence. We know of the corruption of Senator Chris Dodd, barney Frank, Charles Rangel, Dianne Feinstein and dozens of other Democrats in Washington. That does not count the corruption of Obama and the Democrat National Committee working with the openly corrupt ACORN--giving ACORN both political money and tax dollars.

    Welcome to the world of the Culture of Corruption, The Democrat Party. Will the House of Representatives Ethics Committee investigate? Why not? Will the Democrat Attorney General investigate, why not?

    This is why few trust Washington, corruption is well protected.
