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Paper Gets it Wrong: California NOT a Place for Professionals

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  • Paper Gets it Wrong: California NOT a Place for Professionals

    The Stockton Record believes that if a school for doctors was created in Merced, the doctors would stay in the Central Valley. They also believe that the seven years to train a doctor is too long, we need more doctors now.

    They need to get real. If you are a professional a spend seven years in California, anywhere in California, you know this is not the State to live in. Bad policies, intrusive government, high taxes, crazy laws, if you are a doctor, unless you are a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, you want to be in any State other than California.

    Why would a doctor want to serve the Central Valley? That is unless they want to do pro bono work in a Third World country. Thanks to the Feds the Central Valley is on its way to a permanent unemployment rate of 20% and the section of the State with the poorest residents--thanks to the delta smelt and a government that cares more for fish than people.

    No, a school will create more doctors, but not for the Central Valley.

    Oh, they article notes that California currently has a shortage of 17,000 doctors. What will happen if Obama has his way and we have close to 3,000,000 more patients and no more doctors--Third World status for health care--just as Obama wanted.
