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Initiative overload ruining California?

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  • Initiative overload ruining California?

    If the State legislature would have its way, you would be living on the streets (No Prop. 13), attacked by criminals (No death penalty, no Three Strikes and other protections for honest citizens), taxes would be doubled (Democrat majorities, with Arnold, would raise taxes so fast U-Haul would run out of trucks).

    That is why the nutty Left believes initiatives are out of control--they can not kill the California family and jobs fast enough. According to the Left, it is initiatives that have caused our problems.

    "Examples of governance dysfunction abound. Besides the immense and ongoing budget crisis, the state prison system is in federal receivership. The state's bond rating is the lowest of any state. The state's public education system - once the best in the nation - is among the worst. There is an inability to deal with major issues facing the state like our aging and inadequate water system."

    In fact it is the Democrats working to raise taxes, control water and the environment, while killing jobs, and showing concern for criminals not victims, that we need the initiative process. I would note that since the Democrats passed Prop. 98--the mandated money for union controlled schools--the government schools in California have melted down.

    Initiatives stand between jobs and families and a totalitarian State.
