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Obama to CONTROL Your Garage Sale!!

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  • Obama to CONTROL Your Garage Sale!!

    That is not a typo. The man who wants government to control ALL college loans and who gets them, now wants to control what you can sell at a garage sale. This is the man who wants to outlaw soda's, donuts, hamburgers, candy and anything with sugar. Wait till he tells you that you need to prove you exercise 30 minutes every day.

    The man who already controls most of the auto and finance industry, the man who is about to control the compensation of bankers, the man who controls our climate (just ask him), now wants to control your garage sale. Under his rules, if you sell "bad" toys or other items you will be fined $100,000, up to $15 million.

    This is great. I have a neighbor I really dislike. Periodically she holds a garage sale--among the items being sold are old toys. All I have to do is have a friend buy a few of the toys, turn them in to the Feds, then force the government to fine my neighbor several hundred thousand dollars--that would get rid of her!!!

    Imagine the ability of people to use a hidden camera, show the sale, then give the toys and video to the Obama government. Wonder if there is a reward for turning in your neighbors?

    Don't you love living under a totalitarian government? Garage sales used to be controlled by local government. Obama truly believes everything should be controlled by him.
