Why is anybody surprised that unemployment will continue to grow in California.
High taxes, bad regulations, AB 32, union control of State and local governments and schools--We are a special interest State. The deficit of California is over $18 billion TODAY and the fringe media is not reporting it (they used to be called the mainstream media--but since they are not reporting on the corruption in Washington, the bullies of SEIU, the ACORN fiasco, they are really a fringe element to the news) we have an $18 billion payroll tax increase in the near future, almost all farming in California will be closed down by court fiat, California is imploding.
Why would anybody invest in this State? It is a loser.
High taxes, bad regulations, AB 32, union control of State and local governments and schools--We are a special interest State. The deficit of California is over $18 billion TODAY and the fringe media is not reporting it (they used to be called the mainstream media--but since they are not reporting on the corruption in Washington, the bullies of SEIU, the ACORN fiasco, they are really a fringe element to the news) we have an $18 billion payroll tax increase in the near future, almost all farming in California will be closed down by court fiat, California is imploding.
Why would anybody invest in this State? It is a loser.