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Obama Lied: People Will Die

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  • Obama Lied: People Will Die

    Congressman Joe Wilson was rude. President Obama was even ruder--he openly lied to Congress and the American people. He told bold faced lies. He got caught, by every newspaper in the country.

    Yet, he still smiles and tells the lies. He is in hopes if he tells the lies long enough and loud enough, someone will stop laughing and believe him.

    1. His version of health care reform allows tax dollars to be used for abortions

    2. Obama health care creates a massive shortage of doctors (50 million new patients, not a single new doctor) which will cause rationing, long waits and death. And NO verification of eligibility.

    3. Obama claimed he would not add a "dime" to the deficit--yet Democrats Senators like Conrad openly admit the deficit will rise by over $1 billion.

    4. It took Joe Wilson to force Obama to verify that no illegal aliens receive free heath care. Actually, no bill currently on the table include this provision, but Obama "promises" it will be in the final bill.

    I could go on, but you get the point. Barack Obama lied as if he were Bill Clinton talking about his sex life.

    Joe Wilson was rude. Barack Obama is dangerous to your health care, your wallet and your lives. I prefer rudeness to the Obama alternative.

    Obama lied, how many people will die?
