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Guv's Tax Commission Can Kill Even More California Jobs

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  • Guv's Tax Commission Can Kill Even More California Jobs

    Put 14 people on a commission, created and appointed by politicians with an agenda, and you get textbook ideas, without proof the recommendations will work. "The ideas may turn out to be excellent, but they are untested and require an enormous amount of analysis and debate. So far there is almost no information to show how they would keep California businesses competitive, increase prosperity or provide the money government needs."

    The Commission does not have to prove it works; just that it raises taxes, without looking like it raises taxes.

    If it lowers taxes for some, how does the taxes it raise help or hurt investors, businesses or families? Oh, they do not answer that question.

    "There is no data about the impact on jobs a crucial concern under the receipts tax, since the cost of workers could no longer be deducted, possibly encouraging more outsourcing. There's no clue as to which businesses and individuals would pay more: Someone has to make up for all those tax cuts. There's no analysis of how much revenue it would generate over time, whether it would place a greater burden on the poor or whether it would simplify the tax system."

    This is just another political scam. Now you know why government is in trouble. Oh, this Commission is lead by Gerry Parsky, the man who created the rules that divided and almost destroyed the California Republican Party. And, he is the man who lead the UC Board of Regents during one of its most corrupt stages. Should we trust him with our taxes and jobs?
