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Even LA Times Questions the Cronyism of Sweetheart Contract

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  • Even LA Times Questions the Cronyism of Sweetheart Contract

    It takes a lot for the LA Times to oppose cronyism in Sacramento.

    "Perhaps they were the leading contenders for the contract because of who they knew, not what they offered. Perhaps the fact that Mendelsohn was Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's communications director and Schmidt managed the governor's 2006 reelection effort explains why they were recommended over eight other bidders for the contract with the state's high-speed rail commission. And consider this: Two of the three members of the staff panel that recommended Mercury had worked with Mendelsohn in the Schwarzenegger administration. One worked directly for him."

    What do you think, honest contract or cronyism? Maybe a better idea is to stop the boondoggle before it is too late?

    Corruption has many forms, this contract smells, even to the LA Times--which means it must really be bad.
