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Illegal Aliens Speak at Black Churches

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  • Illegal Aliens Speak at Black Churches

    The Pastor of these African-American churches invited folks to speak, from the pulpit who have:

    1. Taken jobs from their church members

    2. Overcrowded the schools of their children and grand children

    3. Caused the emergency rooms of local hospitals to crowd them out or forced to stay for lengthy waits.

    4. Caused government services to be cut for the black community, to pay for illegal alien support systems

    5. Forced higher taxes on blacks to pay for the illegal aliens

    6. Stole ID's or created phony ID's and violated numerous other laws

    And what did the illegal aliens say, did they apologize? ""I hope that my presence here helps you see me as a friend," said Rolando Rodriguez, speaking with the help of an interpreter before a receptive and boisterous crowd at the Bay Area Christian Connection, a church in downtown Oakland."

    After stealing jobs, schools and money from African-Americans--the illegal aliens want to be friends. How about a Tea Party for Bernie Madoff?

    This is sick--the pastors, as leaders in their communities--should have challenged these lawbreakers. By inviting and hosting the illegal aliens, the Pastors have made these criminals into role models.


  • #2
    If you follow the link at the bottom of Stephen's post (above) you'll find a comment or two that was left by Ted Hayes.


    • #3
      MISGUIDED do-gooders AT it AGAIN!

