
No announcement yet. 08/21/09 - Chuck Schumer: His Amnesty Advocacy May Doom Colleague Kirst

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  • 08/21/09 - Chuck Schumer: His Amnesty Advocacy May Doom Colleague Kirst

    Recent Article from - A webzine devoted to the National Question.


  • #2
    Newsflash newsflash

    Ronald Reagan was not thanking Mr Schumer for a job will done over that immigration bill, he was thanking him because he was a part of a cover up of things to come.
    Think of it, we were told if we give them amnesty back then, that that would take care of the problem they told us we were having back in the 80s.
    that they would see to it that this would not happen again, will you can see how honest Reagan was, and the Republican Party right along with those Democrats who were involved in it,like Mr Chuck Schumer, I've tried in other postings to let people know there's not a damn bit of difference between a Democrat and a Republican, or a liberal or a conservative these days, there truly hasn't been since before world war two.
    Back then there was less than 3 million illegal aliens, and that's after the true number of illegals come forward and signed up for the amnesty.
    Now they're trying to tell us there's just 12 to 20,000,000 illegal, and that's just the Hispanics, that's not counting all the other ethnic groups.
    no matter what they try and tell you, this is no humanity emergency
    behind this, it's just To keep the working man and women's wages down, and that's the simple plan truth.
    Take a look at the condition of this country, you have a simple 1% minority that is taking the wealth from the rest of the 99% of the country.
    there are research organizations where you can check my statistics, but there's are less than 9000 families, yes families, and they are greedy.
    Last edited by saw mill worker; 08-23-2009, 03:46 PM.

