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Fish vs. Farmers and People in California

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  • Fish vs. Farmers and People in California

    One reason California can not recover from the government caused recession, is the courts that believe fish are more important than people.

    How bad is it going to be? ""California should be known for the Rose Bowl, not a dust bowl. But there's a danger of a dust bowl being created in the Central Valley by extreme [Endangered Species Act] regulations," said foundation President Rob Rivett. "Instead of stimulating jobs, federal environmental officials are turning recession into depression and stimulating economic hardship for businesses, farms and families."

    California is facing a depression, between those massive deficits--who else but California can create a $16.5 billion deficit in 30 days--and the courts killing our farms.

    While the politicians and the courts fight, this is what is happening to real people, "Nobody doubts the economic devastation to the Central Valley. The unemployment rate in agriculture communities ranges from 20 percent to 40 percent, while 250,000 acres of farmland are lying fallow or dying. The region's agricultural output is expected to decline by between $1 billion and $3 billion this year over last, according to estimates by agricultural and business groups."

    This is a State in a coma, and about to be cut off from investors.

    Maybe it is time for the Governor to open the pumps and tell the courts they will not kill his State?


  • #2
    Why should we send more water to farmers when most of the water is actually being diverted to big developers for more communities that need more water? The fish are a necessary component of California food chain just to keep us from being too dependent upon farming which has really been taken over by big business. so there is unemployment in farming communities? wouldn't be the families of migrants unwilling to migrate anymore would it? Of course it is. the Governor signed a bill that extended unemployment bennies to illegals during the freeze, and then extended it during the drought. It's not hard to see what's going on. Agribusiness wants to keep them here while they pull out all the stops to grab more water so they can keep their subsidized scam of farming going, and then profit once again by the resulting over developement that immigration brings. The fish are endangered. The fishing industry has already been seriously crippled. You can always plant crops from seeds as they will keep for years, but once the fish runs stop they are gone for good. Take your illegals, your subsidy laden farming operations, and your salivating developers and get out of California


    • #3
      Switch must be on off position ??????

      I truly don't know if you truly believe what you're stating, or if you're just adding more mindless ranting of false propaganda ??????? please respond to this, I see where you make a statement but you never come back to respond to our responses.

      But this one you did get some of it right, surprise surprise surprise,
      yes the conservative run government did cause this problem, as far as this water for these farmers go, YOU SIR DON'T UNDERSTAND ONE DAM THING ABOUT THE WATER OF THIS STATE, first our public officials are being held up by special interest groups back east, and in the deep South, they're called syndicates, and they control our water in this state, you don't know one damned thing about this states water problem, if you did, you know there shouldn't be one drop of water going onto the Imperial Valley. The farmers in the South have stolen the water from central and northern California, and to backup what AG said about our fisheries there is far too much evidence that these farmers have clearly hurt and in some cases killed our fisheries in central and northern Calif.
      Last edited by saw mill worker; 08-20-2009, 10:36 AM.

