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Sacramento: New Taxes Being Proposed

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  • Sacramento: New Taxes Being Proposed

    The State Unemployment Fund is broke and needs over $17 billion by the end of next year. This translates, automatically, into a $17 billion tax increase for businesses in California.

    "There are currently $2 billion in tax hikes being proposed, including taxes on everything from gas, internet purchases and vehicle license fees. One very regressive tax proposal increases tobacco levies and would have a devastating impact on California's small business retailers. Another proposal that targets oil and energy companies could, according to the state's non-partisan Legislative Analyst's Office, cost the state up to 10,000 well paying jobs. Lawmakers need to be reminded of the burden they have placed on taxpayers and the real cost of additional taxes on California's job creators."

    As jobs leave the State due to AB 32 and other job killer bills, the State is making it more expensive to operate--and let us not forget the massive price increases for water and energy in the State.

    At some point an adult will arrive in Sacramento and stop the insanity. Until then, the State continues to look like a Keystone Komedy--what else would you call the Democrat Sentencing Commission to include criminals on the board?

    We are in trouble, yet continue to dig. The 2010 elections can not come soon enough--time for a voter revolt.
