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Sacramento, Aug 28 Rally: Must Attend!

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  • Sacramento, Aug 28 Rally: Must Attend!

    August 28 will be an important day in California history. Possibly up to 30,000 people will attend a rally that has a single theme, with dozens of examples.

    The theme is simple, "Get government off our backs". Examples: Water not given to farmers, high taxes, AB 32 and other job killer bills, the thought we could release 40,000 prisoners, bad roads, the pension implosion, you get the point.

    Now is the time to tell Sacramento to be adults, that a $16.5 billion deficit less than 30 days after passing a "new" budget is outrageous. That union control of government agencies is wrong, and that we need water, NOW.

    Please put yourself in Sacramento on August 28. The more people present the easier it will be for elected officials to hear us.

    Will you go to the August 28 rally and have your voice heard?


  • #2
    You bet I'm going. And I'll be keeping an eye on who might be trying to use my anger for their own purposes. Just why are conservatives wanting smaller government being comingled with hispanic organizations that have traditionally loved big government anyway. I smell a hijacking


    PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 07, 2009 – A coalition of hispanic, conservative, taxpayer and agricultural industry organizations will march to the steps of California’s capitol building in Sacramento on Friday, Aug. 28 to fight for the livelihoods of working families over the rights of a federally protected fish.
    “The government is putting fish before families. The insanity must end,” says attorney Mark Meckler, national coordinator of the grassroots Tea Party Patriots. “It is devastating California’s economy. We are being crushed by burdensome regulations and taxes imposed by politicans who care more for causes and political gamesmanship than people.”


    • #3
      I'll be there with an open mind, I will not support a radical view, and I most definitely will not support anything that supports the illegal or even the legal Mexicans that are taking our jobs away from American citizen.
      when I hear that word grassroot's I smell a skunk someplace, and it usually has a lot of big money behind it from some slimy conservative organization, and I will not support any body or anything involved in that type of behavior.

