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Obama Openly Hates Law Abiding Americans

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  • Obama Openly Hates Law Abiding Americans

    It seems that Obama has absolutely NO respect for Americans. His Obamacare is a take over of your health care--he believes government should decide if you live or die. He has taken over a large portion of the finance and auto industry, uses stimulus money to pay off radicals and unions.

    Now, he has decided that if you attend a Townhall you must be a Nazi, astro-turf, rich trying to kill the poor and worse. No respect.

    As for illegal aliens, to Obama, the more the merrier. Just this week he pretty much cut the raids of employers hiring illegal aliens. If he wanted, he could raid almost every car wash in California and deport thousands of illegal aliens, for a start. Instead, he wants to give these criminals, like those who burned 90,000 acres in a National Forest growing marijuana, citizenship!!!

    "Obama gave a long answer indicating that he believed he could secure an immigration reform package that included a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. In his answer, he characterized opponents of this pathway as demagogues.

    Now, am I going to be able to snap my fingers and get this done? No, said Obama. This is going to be difficult; it's going to require bipartisan cooperation. There are going to be demagogues out there who try to suggest that any form of pathway for legalization for those who are already in the United States is unacceptable. And those are fights that I'd have to have if my poll numbers are at 70 or if my poll numbers are at 40. That's just the nature of the U.S. immigration debate."

    He wants 12 million criminals to be given US citizenship, total disrespect for the Rule of Law--but what do you expect from a Chicago politician that has Bill Ayres, the terrorist as a mentor, Tony Rezko, the financial crook as a finance advisor, the open bigot Jeremiah Wright as a spiritual advisor and appointing open bigots to the Supreme Court, tax cheats like the Treasury Secretary to his administration, and let us not forget his appointing Fidel Castro's attorney to his administration.

    So what if 12 million people broke our laws? The good news is that Obama may be killing the Democrat Party for at least a generation. What do you think?


  • #2
    Political blogger ????? Or what ??????

    Pres. Obama has not taken over our health care, to think that, you have to have about a dozen screws loose, or totally missing, I'm so tired of seeing right wing bloggers being all your owed to lie on television, the real nut jobs are on the radio, and to use the Internet to spread, out and out lies, there cannot be an ounce of gray matter between one's ears to actually believe the lies coming from the Republican Party, or the blue dog Democrats, each and every one of those men and women have personally receive from between $1 to $3 million each from the insurance industry, ((now if you can honestly believe these people are looking out for your best interest )) I've got a bridge to nowhere to sell you.

    As far as the finance industry ((you better take the blinders off and go look at Mr. George Bush )) that's his baby, and the auto industry, how about you looking at the few remaining Republicans in the Senate and all the foreign automakers in their states that they represent, and all the major tax cuts that those auto companies received ( it's into the billions,) yet you have the guts to yell about some help to the American auto industry, you're a person with blinders on, who likes to point a finger at the other person for something that you or your friends did how the truth can hurt.
    And you really have to have a simple simple mind to try and bring up Bill Ayers, anybody with one syap In the brain left knows that was a Sarah Pelin
    hatchet job, at the time she didn't have anything truthful to say about anything . And that includes herself I'm sorry to say it is people like you that put George Bush in office for eight years, ((((so he could sell this country down the drain)))) I truly hope you're ALL happy WITH YOUR'SELF'S
    for selling out this our Country.


    • #3
      Political blogger ????? Or what ??????

      Pres. Obama has not taken over our health care, to think that, you have to have about a dozen screws loose, or totally missing, I'm so tired of seeing right wing bloggers being allowed to lie on television, the real nut jobs are on the radio, and to use the Internet to spread, out and out lies, there cannot be an ounce of gray matter between one's ears to actually believe the lies coming from the Republican Party, or the blue dog Democrats, each and every one of those men and women have personally receive from between $1 to $3 million each from the insurance industry, ((now if you can honestly believe these people are looking out for your best interest )) I've got a bridge to nowhere to sell you.

      As far as the finance industry ((you better take the blinders off and go look at Mr. George Bush )) that's his baby, and the auto industry, how about you looking at the few remaining Republicans in the Senate and all the foreign automakers in their states that they represent, and all the major tax cuts that those auto companies received ( it's into the billions,) yet you have the guts to yell about some help to the American auto industry, you're a person with blinders on, who likes to point a finger at the other person for something that you or your friends did how the truth can hurt.
      And you really have to have a simple simple mind to try and bring up Bill Ayers, anybody with one syap In the brain left knows that was a Sarah Pelin
      hatchet job, at the time she didn't have anything truthful to say about anything . And that includes herself I'm sorry to say it is people like you that put George Bush in office for eight years, ((((so he could sell this country down the drain)))) I truly hope you're ALL happy WITH YOUR'SELF'S
      for selling out this our Country.


      • #4
        The good news is that Obama may be killing the Democrat Party for at least a generation. What do you think?
        So the tyranny of Republicans has given way to the tyranny of Democrats...

        Are we to be convinced that far right Republican party lunacy is any better than far left Democrat party lunacy?

        They are all a bunch of political party whores who can't comprehend the world of the average American, all lost in either getting rich by abetting runaway capitalism or trying to impose a mythical perfect world of communal brotherhood. And they are DEAF to their constituents.

        They're all a bunch of legislative nuts. Time for torches and pitchforks.


        • #5
          ilbegone you name the place that time and I'll bring a rope, totally totally totally agree with you, it's just that I get so tired of conservatives thinking that everybody's as dumb as they are; when I was a young man I was as dumb as they are, I believe in the Republican rhetoric, but as a same thinking person it didn't take me more than a few years to understand that what they were saying, WAS totally not what they were doing, thanks to Ronald Reagan
          I was able to see the light.
          Now I don't believe in any party, I look and make my choice from the people themselves. And I'm so sarry there not many out there that are worth a damn or that you can believe.
          I'm getting old and I'd sure like to see those pitchforks in the streets before I get to much older.


          • #6
            ilbegone you name the place the time and I'll bring a rope, totally totally totally agree with you, it's just that I get so tired of conservatives thinking that everybody's as dumb as they are; when I was a young man I was as dumb as they are, I believe in the Republican rhetoric, but as a same thinking person it didn't take me more than a few years to understand that what they were saying, WAS totally not what they were doing, thanks to Ronald Reagan
            I was able to see the light.
            Now I don't believe in any party, I look and make my choice from the people themselves. And I'm so sarry there not many out there that are worth a damn or that you can believe.
            I'm getting old and I'd sure like to see those pitchforks in the streets before I get to much older.

