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California Forward: Trojan Horse for Tax Increases

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  • California Forward: Trojan Horse for Tax Increases

    What a wonderful word, "Reform" This is a great article telling us we need innovation, cooperation, all the good buzz words that few can disagree with.

    Buried toward the bottom of the article is the real goal of this "Reform" article--raise taxes, make it easier to raise taxes and recreate a career Willie Brown in charge of the State.

    "We also need political reform that restores citizens' confidence in their leaders. Perhaps that means modifying term limits to discourage politicians from constantly jumping from job to job, or reducing the number of votes required to pass a budget to a simple majority."

    They want to end term limits--they want to raise taxes--peel this onion and at this core is more taxes and worse government. Hertzberg is a nice guy--an ultra-liberal who gives a good hug--but at his core is the value that you and I belong to the State and we are too dumb to live our lives. Forget the smiles, look at the totalitarian message of this article.
