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Sacramento Mess Returns Today

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  • Sacramento Mess Returns Today

    When they left Sacramento less than four weeks ago, the cash budget deficit was ZERO. Today, it is $16.5 billion and the Treasurer is planning to BORROW another $10.5 billion--that means we will add to the DEBT $10.5 billion.

    Some judges with bodyguards are demanding we give early release to 40,000 prisoners.

    The Central Valley is being demolished by other judges who believe in the cult of the fish.

    The State is losing lawsuit after lawsuit in regard to the illegal cuts made to the budget--the smoke and mirrors were illegal.

    Now the legislature is back in Sacramento. My guess is that none of this will be dealt with in an honest way.

    Now you know why Nevada is advertising on California TV for our businesses to leave the State.


  • #2

    The state of Nevada has been advertising for California businesses to come there since the early 60s, and if you would take the time to understand what's going on California businesses move there in the mid-60s opening up massive warehouses due to California floor taxes.
    It's been a booming industrial for well over 30 years,

