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Los Angeles' Hiring Sleaze

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  • Los Angeles' Hiring Sleaze

    Want to see open corruption? Go to the city of Los Angeles.

    "After all, this is the agency that already pays Cindy Montanez, (former Democrat Assemblymember) $15,000 a month as a special consultant (aka Sacramento lobbyist) for General Manager H. David Nahai. She's done so well that she even got a raise, up from $12,500 a month. That's got to be salt in the wounds of the thousands of City Hall employees whose pay has been slashed via furloughs this summer."

    "A plan by the utility to pay $2.4 million to a lobbying firm to help it comply with (or possibly subvert) the state greenhouse gas emissions bill might have quietly been approved by the DWP Board of Commissioners had Board President Lee Kanon Alpert not questioned DWP staff about the price. Upon closer inspection it turned out that one of the subcontractors was former state Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, an old FOA (Friend of Antonio), who would get a $120,000-a-year cut of the contract."

    What the article does not note is that Nunez was the AUTHOR of the job killing, energy cost raising, AB 32. He passes a bad bill, then gets paid to bypass it--that is corruption in the real world.
