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Illegal Alien Pot Farm Burns 75,000 Acres in Santa Barbara

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  • Illegal Alien Pot Farm Burns 75,000 Acres in Santa Barbara

    Who says illegal aliens are cuddly and should be protected? Senator Boxer believes they are a great addition to our community--plus, she says, they pay taxes.

    I wonder if the illegal aliens pay enough in taxes to fight the forest fire, so far 75,000 acres have burned, in Santa Barbara. And what were they growing? The illegal aliens were growing marijuana--and NOT for medicinal purposes.

    This is another example of why we need to protect our borders---and enforce our immigration laws. By now those illegal aliens are back in Mexico, on vacation. They will show up when it is growing season and do it again.

    Note the LA Times calls these folks Mexican drug dealers. What, did they get a visa to come into this country to grow drugs? Did they list on their application "Drug Dealer" as their occupation?. These are nothing but criminals, illegal aliens, and our government seems not to care.

    At what point do we care? When the drugs hit the streets, when the illegal aliens have gun fights in the forest or on our streets? Do we care they burned 75,000 acres--where are the environmentalists? How much harm have they done to our air?

    Enforce our laws. Stop the drug dealers. Stop the illegal aliens. Pass this along, let everybody know that illegal aliens are NOT our friends.


  • #2
    I live within three miles of the Los Padres National Forest and have a friend who complained to the forestry department about a private road that the illegals and their family have gained access to but the citizens like himself are denied access. I haven't spoken with him about it to ask if anything was accomplished after he complained. He said there was a lock on the entrance to the road up the mountain that he had always used to enter the forest, but saw others with either the key or combination to the lock enter and entire families would go up there and camp or picnic. They didn't speak English so he could not ask them who gave them permission and how they were able to enter. He said some were actually living up there in a broken down trailer.

    We no longer have control of this country in so many areas.

