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UC and CSU Slush Funds Uncovered

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  • UC and CSU Slush Funds Uncovered

    How do you spell corruption? UC and CSU. "Free-speech groups are trying to force the states public universities to disclose financial relationships worth more than $6.25 billion. At issue are scores of nonprofit foundations linked to the schools. The University of California and the California State University say unveiling the finances would cost millions of dollars in staff time.

    The quest for details of the nonprofits money where the money comes from and how it is spent follows a series of disputed financial transactions at schools across the state."

    These non profits have been operated as a slush fund for the rich and greedy in the UC and CSU systems. "For example, the Sonoma State University Academic Foundations $1.25 million loan to former board member Clem Carinalli has come under scrutiny. Also last month, Philip Day Jr., former chancellor of City College of San Francisco, faced eight felony counts and one misdemeanor count related to the misappropriation of $150,000 of public money."

    Payoffs, bribes, kick backs, etc--all part of the non profit system in favor of this system of organized corruption.

    Who is going to jail? Who is losing their jobs? Why not!


  • #2
    I hope they go aftere these schools with a fine tooth comb and nail them to the wall.


    • #3
      Anything run by anything government has much corruption.

