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City Demands Mobile Home Park Become a Slum

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  • City Demands Mobile Home Park Become a Slum

    Simple story. A mobile home park wants to keep up its maintenance. A city government wants that as well, but does not want it paid for.

    So, the decision of governments is not to maintain the park, allow it to become a slum.

    Want slums, that is a specialty of government. Shame on us for allowing this.


  • #2
    Rent control really brings down the neighborhoods and is very unfair to the owner. Santa Monica had to get rid of it because after the Northridge earthquake which destroyed large sections of Santa Monica, the owners refused to fix the properties that were damaged because they weren't getting enough in rent to cover the cost. That is basically what rent control does, it makes ghettos.


    • #3
      I don't know if you ever study what rent control is all about, but that's a big offensive bag of c--p you're spreading about rent control, that is not and was not the intent of rent control in this state, get your facts straight before you put out that cow s--t.


      • #4
        Well I lived under rent control and have also been a landlord under rent control. These are facts that happened when the Northridge earthquake hit which hit Santa Monica, Northridge and Filmore very hard but only Santa Monica had rent control. The restrictions put on landowners because of rent control was the main reason Santa Monica stayed in ruin for so long, and why rent control was abolished there, landlords refused to repair many of the properties and just left them vacant. That is why the city eliminated it, they had no choice. West Hollywood eliminated it also. There are sections of Lancaster and Palmdale that are seeing the same problems. When you restrict the market and remove market prices the incentive to invest is diminished. Sorry you don't like it, but that's exactly what happened, I didn't just make this up, I lived there and we had property.

