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Cut Pay of Elected Officials: Now

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  • Cut Pay of Elected Officials: Now

    California unemployment is massive. Thanks to AB 32 and local job killer versions, government is killing the ability of investors to create jobs.

    The LA Daily News has a great idea--cutting elected officials pay in half. That would be a start. So, when an elected official insincerely says, "I feel your pain", they might actually feel it.

    The policies that put us in the fiscal toilet were created at all levels of government. Time to "thank" those responsible--cut their pay.


  • #2
    Volunteer service only

    let's go back to the good old day's, when we did not have paed politician's, when holding an office was an honor, and not a full-time paed position.


    • #3
      City leaders have justified their high salaries by calling themselves executives, who manage a work force and budget larger than some Fortune 500 companies. And, they argue, the compensation helps attract the best and brightest.

      Well, one could certainly question whether the current city leaders are the best or the brightest - Los Angeles had a $500 million deficit this year, thanks to chronic overspending and failure to budget for an economic downturn.
      Just like all the rest of them


      • #4

        It's not just words, there is a meaning behind each and every amendment

        This document was put together by rich and poor men alike, these were men that had been endenture servants, there were racist, and there were bigots
        these writers were not perfect, but they saw a future and put that future in words, for us to make a better life and a better world for our descendents to live in, and here we sit watching a bunch of corrupt politicians that are working for just a few large international businesses, like Wal-Mart,
        McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Tyson Foods, the Mattel toy Corporation, this is just a few of the more recognizable companies, but now let's look at the banks the real crooks, the ones that pay these corrupt politicians to sell out what our forefathers shed blood and died for to give us. ( DO YOU KNOW THAT MATTEL DON'T MAKE A SINGLE TOY IN THIS COUNTRY )
        they're are all made in China, same with Fisher-Price toy, companies started here made and built by Americans, but because the American worker asked for a decent pay to live in our American economy, they were move to China.
        Where is the American outcry for that ??????????? HO that's right, the investors of wall street needed more, and the American worker needed less, now look at all those small investors. LoL LoL LoL

        These people have corrupted our Constitution, this corruption was done intentional and so over a long period of time these crooks have passed laws that made the citizens of this country affraid to stand up and voice their opinion's, and then you have a few well-placed media people that will criticize you as a right-winger or a kook or on the extreme edge of this society, and so people become affrayed to speak up and be heard, these well-placed media people have made people of different social classes afraid of one another, or angry because of one party has more than the other, or that the so called well to do's think that the poor are coming to steal from them, or that people of a lower social class or monetary class all need to be imprisoned, and the biggest lie to keep people apart, is that a conservative and a liberal have totally different outlook's, and they've done a good job so far but in reality it's all a big lie.
        Our forefathers were not looking to make us an international country, their concept was for this country and only this country to live under our Constitution and no other countries laws, it was for our businesses to grow here in the U.S. to make us prosperous to be a part of the world but not be dominated by it.
        Take a look folks we have no businesses anymore we are being dnominated by other countries, and these crooket politicians along with the Fortune 500 companies of this country for their greed and their profits have striped this land
        of its heritage, I don't know what more they can do for the people here to see, they have broken every law of faith and moral sense of responsibility to this country, and they still sit in their ivory towers. (((Unmolested by the citizens))).

        Personally I'm telling my younger family members to leave this country
        because the people of this country have become like sheep and they are being led to the slaughter, and I personally don't think you can get 10,000 people in this country to stand up and remove the rabble in our government houses.
        Last edited by saw mill worker; 08-23-2009, 02:52 PM.

