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Tough love for fat people: Tax their food to pay for healthcare

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  • Tough love for fat people: Tax their food to pay for healthcare

    If some have their way, government, Barack Obama, will determine who, and how much, 2/3 of Americans can eat--of course illegal aliens will be exempted, as will Congress.

    As evidence of this new "get-tough" strategy on obesity, they may well cite a study released today by the Urban Institute titled "Reducing Obesity: Policy Strategies From the Tobacco Wars."

    "Facing the serious consequences of an uncontrolled obesity epidemic, America's state and federal policy makers may need to consider interventions every bit as forceful as those that succeeded in cutting adult tobacco use by more than 50%," the Urban Institute report says. It took awhile -- almost 50 years from the first surgeon general's report on tobacco in 1964 -- to drive smoking down. But in many ways, the drumbeat of scientific evidence and the growing cultural stigma against obesity already are well underway -- as any parent who has tried to bring birthday cupcakes into her child's classroom certainly knows"

    How big will the tax be on a hamburger, donut, food Obama does not want us to eat--but he can drink beer with the bigot of Harvard. "And here's the payoff: Conservatively estimated, a 10% tax levied on foods that would be defined as "less healthy" by a national standard adopted recently in Great Britain could yield $240 billion in its first five years and $522 billion over 10 years of implementation -- if it were to begin in October 2010. If lawmakers instituted a program of tax subsidies to encourage the purchase of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, the added revenue would still be $356 billion over 10 years."

    This is not about fat, it is about taxes. Obama and his friends want to take a half trillion dollars from the poor and middle class.

    Shame on us for electing people like this. We deserve what we got. Now it is time for a voter revolt---and give all your money to the government and let Obama send you C-rations to eat.
