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DeLuz: Reform Held Hostage in Sacramento

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  • DeLuz: Reform Held Hostage in Sacramento

    Did the legislature end the job killer AB 32? No, it was not on the table.

    Did the legislature end the union monopoly over government--no, that was not on the table.

    Did the legislature demand the break up LAUSD, the most corrupt and incompetent government school district in the State--Were it not for Detroit and D.C government schools, LAUSD would be the worst in the nation.

    DeLuz notes that the system itself is corrupt. Legislators are forced to vote on bills they are NOT allowed to read. That also means the public is not allowed to discuss the policy being forced on them.

    "One such bill, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 8 (ACA 8) was offered up by Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries in order to ensure the members and the public had adequate time to review measures before they are voted on. ACA 8 would require the public to be noticed about 72 hours prior to a bill being voted on. Additionally, it would require that item to be in print and made available for public review not less than 24 hours prior to being voted on. This bill was introduced in January 2009, and six months later, the bill has yet to get a hearing, despite numerous requests by Jeffries. He recently commented, "I find it ironic that a bill meant to end backroom deals is being held hostage in a backroom somewhere."

    Democrats refused to allow the Jeffries bill to go forward--Democrats do not want the public to know what they are doing. This is corruption--no wonder they do not want reform--it would kill their style.

    Craig DeLuz brings an insiders view of the failed Sacramento system. Pass it along.


  • #2
    Legislative Republicans have offered a number of proposals to change how business is done here in Sacramento. However, Democrats (the legislative majority) have opted to hold these proposals in their respective committees, refusing to have hearings on them.
    Maybe it would be better to lessen the whole committee stanglehold. Sounds like a good thing being used by bad people

