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Guv Cleans Up Incompetent Nursing Board: AFTER Newspaper Story

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  • Guv Cleans Up Incompetent Nursing Board: AFTER Newspaper Story

    The LA Times did a public service by reporting the incompetence of the State Nursing Board. This is a board that takes more than three years to decide if a nurse has killed a patient.

    The real question is this: Is this more proof we have too many commissions and agencies? Obviously the Administration is unable to monitor all the corruption and incompetence of government.

    Here is an idea. Assign the top twenty newspapers in the State an agency to audit. Since government is unable to audit itself, then let the media do it. The prize for finding the worst agency? A State of California issued Pulitzer Prize.

    Give mainstream media something responsible to do. Somebody has to report the waste of dollars and the killing of Californians due to the malaise of government agencies.
