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University of California planning furloughs, cuts and possibly more tuition hikes

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  • University of California planning furloughs, cuts and possibly more tuition hikes

    It is time for the UC system, rife with corruption (UC Davis Chancellor is deeply involved in enrollment corruption at the University of Illinois, lovers of high officials have $200,000 jobs created for them, etc.) and needs a good cleaning.

    The right answer is NOT to furlough, it is to clean up--by firing the unneeded administrators, those on payroll as a payoff, stop collecting bribe money for greedy unions.

    UC needs a real leader, not someone collecting twice the salary of the President of the United States and protecting the status quo.

    The first step is to stop collective bargaining. That allows unions to control the system, as if they were owners. The next step is the cleaning out of administrators--do we need bean counters to count the color of an employees nose--to see if we have the "right" mix of nose colors?

    UC system is corrupt, incompetence and lacks common sense. Time to start over, new leadership, far fewer administrators. What do you think?
