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Fox: Prop. 13 NOT the Problem

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  • Fox: Prop. 13 NOT the Problem

    My good friend Joel Fox has written an excellent analysis of Prop. 13. "Let's get the facts straight. Despite the cap instituted by Proposition 13, property taxes have increased dramatically in California. According to Board of Equalization data, property tax revenue has increased 800% since the measure passed in 1978 -- from $5.6 billion a year to $50 billion. Compare that with general fund revenue -- made up largely of sales, income and corporate taxes -- which has increased 500% over the same period."

    High Speed trains, $11 billion a year for illegal aliens, failed schools, payoffs to unions--these are the causing of the fiscal meltdown of California. While the State is running a $70 billion deficit (the full amount), the legislature is discussing the creation of a Blueberry Commission. Sick.
