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Budget Fight Could Save California $200 Billion

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  • Budget Fight Could Save California $200 Billion

    Finally, a good reason to keep the budget battle going. "High-speed rail backers, however, warn that such a study would delay their project beyond when it would be eligible for $1.3 billion in federal stimulus money they have been promised."

    So a mere study to see if this is a good plan could sidetrack the boondoggle to pay off unions. While the article says the costs are $45 billion, that is a lie and they know it. The true cost, after land purchase from those who refuse to sell, the environmental reports, the payoffs to hack politicians on the route taken, the cost will be over $100 billion--then add the bond interest costs and you are over $200 billion to build it.

    Then you have to pay to run the system, and payoff the unions not to strike. Another reason to leave California, besides the $200 billion in unfunded liabilities for pension plans, $47 billion unfunded for health care, $17 billion in debt for the unemployment insurance fund and much more.

    We can not afford a union pay off and a boondoggle, the train for nothing.
