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Will FBI Arrest Terrorist Supplier Democrat Cynthia McKinney?

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  • Will FBI Arrest Terrorist Supplier Democrat Cynthia McKinney?

    Cynthia McKinney admits to giving food and medical supplies to the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. She is proud of it.'

    Now that she is back in the United States has the Obama administration taken her passport away? NO. Has the FBI arrested her for assisting terrorism? NO

    Has the Department of Justice tried to indict her for her crimes? NO

    Why hasn't Couric, Williams, Wolf, the Times (any variety), Post or the Huffington Post demanded answers as to why McKinney is still walking among us?

    McKinney is a criminal, helping terrorists and she is being protected by the Left and Barack Obama.

    It is time to put all suppliers to terrorists in prison--Gitmo is the right place for McKinney. Why is the President of the United States protecting an agent of terrorism?

    He needs to be asked at the next press conference. We need answers.


  • #2
    You'd have to get your question for Barry approved by the politburo in advance Stephen. They might get back to you about the time he is getting his memoirs written.

