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Government Shut Down No Longer a 'Train Wreck'

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  • Government Shut Down No Longer a 'Train Wreck'

    Good news and bad news, the bad news first.

    The bad news is that failure to pass a budget in a couple of weeks will NOT close down the Federal government. Social Security, the VA, the military, public safety in general will continue. Essential services will continue.

    The good news. ObamaCare, health programs stopping you from eating "the wrong type of foods "will be stopped. Paying off unions will be slowed down.

    "Now we're in straitened circumstances, just out of a severe recession (though many voters don't think it's over just yet) and in a very restrained and anemic recovery. We've seen that a substantial increase in government spending -- from 21 percent to 25 percent of gross domestic product -- hasn't done much to stimulate economic growth. And we've seen that government kept growing even as the private sector suffered.

    In that setting, pollster Scott Rasmussen reports that 58 percent of likely voters would rather have a government shutdown until both parties can agree on spending cuts, while only 33 percent would prefer spending at the same levels as last year."

    Importantly, the people of the United States want spending cuts. Real unemployment is over 20% in the nation. Foreclosures continue at a record pace, with banks holding foreclosed homes off the market to keep home prices from totally tanking.

    In today's economic climate folks have no problem closing wasteful, unnecessary political operations. Cut the Obama $1.6 trillion deficit. Americans can no longer afford Democrats or Obama--and willing to do without wasteful government to reach that goal.
