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Teacher Protests In Wisconsin: Prelude To Economic Riots?

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  • Teacher Protests In Wisconsin: Prelude To Economic Riots?

    A congressman noted that "Cairo has come to Madison". While teachers in Wisconsin refuse to teach, steal kids from classrooms and make them union pawns, the same has started in Ohio. Guv Kasich is trying to do basically the same in Ohio that Guv Walker is doing in Wisconsin. Thousands are at the Ohio State capitol. Union member’s upset they can not keep their hands in the public treasury.

    "Unfortunately, America is more divided today than ever. Our extreme affluence has kept the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted from disappearing so far, but once our affluence is gone all of the hate and frustration in society is going to come bubbling to the surface and it is going to be horrifying to behold.

    Once the economic collapse happens, most Americans are not going to take it sitting down. Most Americans are going to want someone to blame. Most Americans are going to want to lash out somehow.

    America today is like a big, fat spoiled baby that is about to have its favorite pacifier permanently taken away. America is going to whine and cry and complain like there is no tomorrow.

    For decades the financial "gloom and doomers" have been warning about what would happen to this country if we didn't get our house in order, but nobody wanted to listen. Everyone just kept piling up more debt as if it would never be a problem."

    I am one of those "doom and gloomers". Sad to say, I was right. The 2010 election was the start of a voter revolt and revolution. Thanks to the unions it will continue. When unions believe closing schools is a good thing, it is time to close the corrupt, criminal unions.

    Pass this to your friends.
