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San Mateo County Runs Massive Deficit While Running Airport Bus Service

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  • San Mateo County Runs Massive Deficit While Running Airport Bus Service

    San Mateo County is running a deficit of over $82 million on a budget of $1.77 billion. Pension costs are about $150 million per year, or about 8% of total expenditures.

    "San Mateo County’s ongoing budget deficit will hit $82 million this fiscal year, not counting backfilling state cuts, replacing the women’s jail and future salary hikes.
    Taken together, the structural deficit will be well over $100 million by fiscal year 2015, said County Manager David Boesch.," from the San Mateo Daily Journal.

    San Mateo County Transit District is owned by the County. It is NOT an essential government service--taking people from San Fran to the San Fran airport. Is that really the governments job? And, at $5. per passenger, it carries a hefty subsidy from taxpayers while the County is running a massive, and growing, deficit. Plus, government is undercutting private services and employment.

    Why does government own a bus service? Because it can. This is why government has too much money, we need tax cuts not Jerry Brown tax increases.
