Government is incompetent and/or corrupt. In the case of Beverly Hills, the government
"With Measure O, as you read starting on page 1 of today's issue of The Courier, the state's top experts point out serious misstatements by the City when it comes to the impact of the oil severance tax. The City's In Focus publication tries to gloss
over the fact that City residents will pay a major portion of the tax. Missing, also, is the City's attempt to close down the Venoco wells on Beverly Hills High School property, which would cost the Beverly Hills Unified School District over $1 million
per year, not to mention residents' share of income from those wells."
“Misstatements”? They knew their statements were not true.
The Beverly Hills city government, like most, will say or do anything to get into your pants and bank account. Even lie, by omission.
In most cases bond measure campaigns are paid for by those who will get the contracts, or the unions that will put their bribe paying members on the job. The 2006 Water bonds never created a drop of new water. Transportation bond money, in part went to throwing Hispanic truckers out of work and into the clutches of crony capitalism in combination with unions.
Be safe, when you see a bond measure on the ballot check to see who donated to the campaign and you will see who benefits, seldom the voters.
"With Measure O, as you read starting on page 1 of today's issue of The Courier, the state's top experts point out serious misstatements by the City when it comes to the impact of the oil severance tax. The City's In Focus publication tries to gloss
over the fact that City residents will pay a major portion of the tax. Missing, also, is the City's attempt to close down the Venoco wells on Beverly Hills High School property, which would cost the Beverly Hills Unified School District over $1 million
per year, not to mention residents' share of income from those wells."
“Misstatements”? They knew their statements were not true.
The Beverly Hills city government, like most, will say or do anything to get into your pants and bank account. Even lie, by omission.
In most cases bond measure campaigns are paid for by those who will get the contracts, or the unions that will put their bribe paying members on the job. The 2006 Water bonds never created a drop of new water. Transportation bond money, in part went to throwing Hispanic truckers out of work and into the clutches of crony capitalism in combination with unions.
Be safe, when you see a bond measure on the ballot check to see who donated to the campaign and you will see who benefits, seldom the voters.