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Unpaid Fee Costs State $32 Million in Lost Lawsuit!

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  • Unpaid Fee Costs State $32 Million in Lost Lawsuit!

    Add $32 million to the State deficit. With the current deficit this may not seem like much. But Arnold left behind $10 billion in unpaid lawsuit losses that brown does not recognize in his budget. So the real deficit, if Brown was honest, is about $43 billion--and growing.

    "The state of California must refund $32 million it unlawfully charged Nortel Networks Inc. (OTCBB: NRTLQ) of Mississauga, Ontario, in sales taxes on a sale of a software license to what was then Pacific Bell Telephone Company in 1994."

    But why did we lose the case? "“Owing to state budgetary problems, the sole expert witness designated by the State refused to be deposed because his fee was unpaid,” the Court of Appeal notes. “As a result, he was not permitted to testify at trial, a lapse the trial court aptly forecast as ‘fatal’ to the State’s defense. Nortel was the beneficiary of the State’s fiscal distress: to make its factual findings, the trial court had to rely exclusively on technical testimony from a procession of Nortel-friendly witnesses.”

    In other words ARNOLD refused to pay the expert witness!!! He may have lost $200 million by being Guv, but in this one case he cost us $32 million.

    What a legacy!
