The Sacramento Democrats must really love the movie, "Back to the Future". Jerry Brown and John Perez want to take us back to the days of high taxes. Steinberg in the Senate demands jobs are killed with the implementation of AB 32 and continued union control of government.
"Such a reduction in our state workforce, combined with new economic growth such as that noted in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, could potentially bring our state back to a balanced budget.
So as our state—and its new governor—collectively have a “Groundhog Day” do-over moment, it’s to be remembered that there’s no way that the new Congress in Washington will do much of anything to rescue California, and that if Sacramento doesn’t make some extraordinary measures then the taxpaying voters will again say no to new taxes.
And for those of us who haven’t yet fled the state, that’s when the real pain begins…"
The man who killed transportation, roads, schools, water and bridges, is back in charge--in some ways he does look like the mad scientist played by Christopher Lloyd.
"Such a reduction in our state workforce, combined with new economic growth such as that noted in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, could potentially bring our state back to a balanced budget.
So as our state—and its new governor—collectively have a “Groundhog Day” do-over moment, it’s to be remembered that there’s no way that the new Congress in Washington will do much of anything to rescue California, and that if Sacramento doesn’t make some extraordinary measures then the taxpaying voters will again say no to new taxes.
And for those of us who haven’t yet fled the state, that’s when the real pain begins…"
The man who killed transportation, roads, schools, water and bridges, is back in charge--in some ways he does look like the mad scientist played by Christopher Lloyd.