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State Senate GOP: Privatizing California's Local Governments

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  • State Senate GOP: Privatizing California's Local Governments

    Government is incompetent, corrupt and in California, bankrupt. Over the past seven years we had a cumulative deficit of $165 billion. The current budget starts with a $28 billion deficit. Gov. Brown is about to submit an austere budget--in hopes of raising taxes and destroying businesses and families in June.

    Government is too big. The Republicans in the California State Senate are providing a road map to cut government, raise revenues (to pay off the debt) and create private sector jobs and profits.

    "The spread of the privatization movement is grounded in the fundamental belief that market competition in the private sector presents a more efficient way to provide services, while also providing greater citizen choice. Virtually every local government service - including road maintenance, fleet operations, public works, education and public health services - has been successfully privatized at some point in time somewhere in the world.

    The deteriorating financial condition of many local governments has put municipal leaders on a quest seeking more efficient and cost effective service delivery models. As the privatization movement continues to grow, the following short list of examples demonstrates some of the most common opportunities for privatization within local governments."

    In the era of the Internet, building libraries is a massive waste of money. "Several Southern California cities are moving towards a divestment from county library systems, contracting with a national firm to operate local libraries. Two cities in Ventura County and the city of Santa Clarita are in position to shift service at three local libraries through a six-year contract with LSSI (Library Systems & Services, based in Maryland) which will take effect July 1, 2011.4

    In other examples, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley claimed that the city saved $3.7 million by contracting out management of the city's Harold Washington Library. And in 2009, the Brooklyn ( New York) Public Library became one of first libraries in the country to use UPS, rather than a local or internal courier system, in an effort to reduce costs and move materials more efficiently throughout its 60 branches. Under the UPS contract, turnaround time was reduced from 14 days to 24 hours, taking advantage of the company's overnight service focus, and former library staffers and truck drivers now work as full-time sorters."

    Oh, ending the union monopoly and ownership of government would go a long way to cutting the cost of government, providing private sector jobs and return some semblance of honesty to government.

    Please--this is important--pass this around to your friends and family. They need to know there is an alternative to unions, tax and spend and massive deficits.
