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Why Do Schools Fire Losing Coaches But Not Bad Teachers?

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  • Why Do Schools Fire Losing Coaches But Not Bad Teachers?

    Here is a thought I wish I had.

    "Anyone who pays attention to local high schools knows that a coach who has several consecutive losing seasons will likely be fired. Well, not really. It is more likely that the losing coach will be sent to teach history or English.

    Have you ever heard of a bad history or English teacher who was taken out of the classroom and sent to coach football or basketball? I doubt it. At least not because he was doing a bad job of classroom teaching.

    Are football and basketball more important than history and English? If it isn't importance, then what is the difference between coaching football or basketball and teaching history or English?"

    There is a serious, simple answer. Coaches can be reassigned to the classroom. Failed teachers can not be touched because of extortionist unions. Bad teachers are protected because they pay bribes to a union.

    Our children become the victims of a corrupt government education system. Shame on us for allowing this. I don't blame the crooks--I blame the parents who allow the criminals to run our schools.
