Government schools in Davis do not have enough money for the unions. So, they have a plan.
"On Thursday the Davis School Board moved a step closer to calling a special election for sometime around May. They appear to be heading in the direction of a new parcel tax that would renew the existing amount of 320 dollars per single-family dwelling plus an additional 175 dollars.....There is good news and bad news in this number. A poll taken by consultant Jay Ziegler found that roughly 78 percent of the public supports extending the current parcel tax while 67 percent would agree to a $200 increase.
The bad news in that is that the money the district would get is not nearly enough to compensate for the amount of reduction from the state over the last three years. So why put forward a raise in the parcel tax if it is not enough and you end up having to lay off teachers as the voters pay more money?"
At a time when jobs are being lost, homes foreclosed, the economic illiterates running the Davis government schools want $500 per year for nothing.
I would vote for this tax under one condition--the teachers are not forced to pay a bribe to work and the district stops collecting the bribes for the unions.
Until then, this is still a financially failed district with administrators just demanding money instead of being a role model for honesty and ethics.
In the November election money school bonds and parcel taxes lost. By May, when Brown is planning on massive tax increases for all Californians, this will be a loser as well.
"On Thursday the Davis School Board moved a step closer to calling a special election for sometime around May. They appear to be heading in the direction of a new parcel tax that would renew the existing amount of 320 dollars per single-family dwelling plus an additional 175 dollars.....There is good news and bad news in this number. A poll taken by consultant Jay Ziegler found that roughly 78 percent of the public supports extending the current parcel tax while 67 percent would agree to a $200 increase.
The bad news in that is that the money the district would get is not nearly enough to compensate for the amount of reduction from the state over the last three years. So why put forward a raise in the parcel tax if it is not enough and you end up having to lay off teachers as the voters pay more money?"
At a time when jobs are being lost, homes foreclosed, the economic illiterates running the Davis government schools want $500 per year for nothing.
I would vote for this tax under one condition--the teachers are not forced to pay a bribe to work and the district stops collecting the bribes for the unions.
Until then, this is still a financially failed district with administrators just demanding money instead of being a role model for honesty and ethics.
In the November election money school bonds and parcel taxes lost. By May, when Brown is planning on massive tax increases for all Californians, this will be a loser as well.