1. School Lunch Media Ambush, Capitol Commentary, 12/14/10
Congress has decided to steal $2 billion from Food Stamps for families and give the money to Michelle Obama approved government school menu's.
"How could anybody oppose something called the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” and vote against it? Republicans got some bad press because 157 of them voted against the bill. The headline over at Liberal Think Progress was:
157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free, Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids
I guess we know where they stand on the matter.
What the headlines didn’t say however, was that the money to pay for this new program came at the expense of another program: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Better known as Food Stamps. $2 billion was cut from that program. So those hateful Republicans are so evil for wanting to take money away from people who receive Food Stamps? That’s sure how the story plays out in the world of the journalist."
Now that Barack stole the Food Stamp money, he will find a replacement--how about from the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act”, so all children even those not in government schools could be fed. or much better how about getting government out of the way of job creation, lower taxes, so families can feed themselves?
2. Obama Admin Working to Rescind Conscience Rights on Abortion, by Steven Ertelt,|, 12/14/10
President Obama believes all citizens belong to the State. he is a socialist. As part of this ideology, he believes doctors have no right to morals, ethics or values--a socialist lives in a valueless State.
The Obama administration is still working to overturn conscience rights for medical professionals on abortion that were put in place at the tail end of the Bush administration.
"In 2008, the Bush administration issued a rule that prohibited recipients of federal money from discriminating against doctors, nurses and health care aides who refuse to take part in medical procedures to which they have religious or moral objections, such as abortion.
The rule implemented existing conscience protection laws that ensure medical professionals cannot be denied employment because they do not want to assist in abortions.
New information about the state of those protections and efforts to repeal them comes from legal papers the administration filed in a case the state of Connecticut launched against the conscience protections."
Threat to Individual Gun Ownership. America's Founders recognized that individuals have a natural right to defend themselves against predators of all types, including criminals and tyrannical states. Thus, they enshrined the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Gun control measures motivated by a sincere desire to protect people from crime have often made the situation worse. For example, at the turn of the 20th century, Great Britain had few gun control laws and low crime rates. Since then, the British have enacted numerous laws making it hard for private citizens to own guns or defend themselves. As a result, crime rates have soared. In fact, handgun crime in the United Kingdom increased 40 percent in the two years after the country passed its gun ban in 1997, according to the BBC News.
3. United States Should Shoot Down U.N. Small Arms Treaty, by H. Sterling Burnett, National Center for Policy Analysis, 12/15/10
The United Nations is an extension of the Obama theory that people are too stupid to run their own lives. In the case of the United Nations, the UN beleives that nations are unable to set correct policy (except the terrorist and totalitarian nations)
"Threat to Individual Gun Ownership. America's Founders recognized that individuals have a natural right to defend themselves against predators of all types, including criminals and tyrannical states. Thus, they enshrined the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Gun control measures motivated by a sincere desire to protect people from crime have often made the situation worse. For example, at the turn of the 20th century, Great Britain had few gun control laws and low crime rates. Since then, the British have enacted numerous laws making it hard for private citizens to own guns or defend themselves. As a result, crime rates have soared. In fact, handgun crime in the United Kingdom increased 40 percent in the two years after the country passed its gun ban in 1997, according to the BBC News."
4. Examiner Editorial: Breast cancer drug offers glimpse of death panels, By: Washington Examiner Editorial 12/14/10:
Barack Obama really believes in the phrase, "Women and children first". The President supports the killing of any and all children via abortion (except his). His health care plan insists on Death Panels and the first victims are women. he believes a women with late stages of breast cancer should not fight it, just make plans for a funeral. He is a sick man.
"On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration could doom thousands of breast cancer victims. The FDA will be considering the unprecedented step of revoking approval for Avastin, a drug that represents the last hope for women with late-stage breast cancer. About 17,500 women a year are treated with the drug, which cuts off blood flow to tumors. It does not cure cancer, but it does stop its growth and extend life. Unfortunately, medical miracles don't come cheap -- treating a breast cancer patient with Avastin can cost $90,000 a year. In 2008, the FDA's Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee put Avastin on a track to "accelerated approval" following a clinical study showing 52 percent of the women on the drug showed improvement in "progression-free survival." On average, Avastin extended the life of patients by 5 1/2 months, but some survive for years. Subsequent clinical studies showed only 36 percent and 31 percent of women had improved survival rates, a far better outcome than the alternative -- death. The FDA confirmed last year that Avastin would be approved pending "improvement in progression-free survival and evidence that survival is not impaired."
What is your mother, daughter, wife worth? To Obama, nothing. Why aren't Leftist women's groups, like NOW, screaming?
5. The Obama Team’s Other Lost Election, Despite the administration’s thumb on the scale, Delta doesn’t unionize., By FRED BARNES, Weekly Standard, 12/20/10
Even with a stacked deck, workers refuse to be forced to pay bribes in order to work. Obama did all he could to enslave 56,000 Delta airline workers. But, a free AND SECRET ballot, allowed the workers by a 70 to 30 percent margin said no to corrupt unions owning them. Workers united can stop corruption form the White House in favor of corrupt unions.
"The final election, conducted last week, delivered the most stunning verdict. Delta workers at airports and reservation centers rejected the IAM, 70-30 percent. In November, flight attendants voted against unionization, 52-48 percent. Ramp (or “under the wing&rdquo
employees voted not to join the IAM, 53-47 percent. And maintenance workers turned down the IAM more decisively, 72-28 percent. Sensing defeat, labor unions had earlier decided not to attempt to unionize four other groups of employees: mechanics, technical writers, meteorologists, and “simulated technicians.”
It was a clean sweep for Delta and shocking to labor organizers. As a result, 17,000 former Northwest employees who had been union members will become nonunion once the election results have been certified. That may take a while because the unions have filed formal complaints that Delta interfered with the election. They are seeking a new election. Unions do this routinely when they lose an election. They are poor losers"
6. A Christmas delight from YouTube. this was sent to me by a great subscriber, John N. Mannheim Steamroller as you never heard them.
Frisco Christmas Lights - Wizards in Winter
1. School Lunch Media Ambush, Capitol Commentary, 12/14/10
Congress has decided to steal $2 billion from Food Stamps for families and give the money to Michelle Obama approved government school menu's.
"How could anybody oppose something called the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” and vote against it? Republicans got some bad press because 157 of them voted against the bill. The headline over at Liberal Think Progress was:
157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free, Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids
I guess we know where they stand on the matter.
What the headlines didn’t say however, was that the money to pay for this new program came at the expense of another program: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Better known as Food Stamps. $2 billion was cut from that program. So those hateful Republicans are so evil for wanting to take money away from people who receive Food Stamps? That’s sure how the story plays out in the world of the journalist."
Now that Barack stole the Food Stamp money, he will find a replacement--how about from the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act”, so all children even those not in government schools could be fed. or much better how about getting government out of the way of job creation, lower taxes, so families can feed themselves?
2. Obama Admin Working to Rescind Conscience Rights on Abortion, by Steven Ertelt,|, 12/14/10
President Obama believes all citizens belong to the State. he is a socialist. As part of this ideology, he believes doctors have no right to morals, ethics or values--a socialist lives in a valueless State.
The Obama administration is still working to overturn conscience rights for medical professionals on abortion that were put in place at the tail end of the Bush administration.
"In 2008, the Bush administration issued a rule that prohibited recipients of federal money from discriminating against doctors, nurses and health care aides who refuse to take part in medical procedures to which they have religious or moral objections, such as abortion.
The rule implemented existing conscience protection laws that ensure medical professionals cannot be denied employment because they do not want to assist in abortions.
New information about the state of those protections and efforts to repeal them comes from legal papers the administration filed in a case the state of Connecticut launched against the conscience protections."
Threat to Individual Gun Ownership. America's Founders recognized that individuals have a natural right to defend themselves against predators of all types, including criminals and tyrannical states. Thus, they enshrined the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Gun control measures motivated by a sincere desire to protect people from crime have often made the situation worse. For example, at the turn of the 20th century, Great Britain had few gun control laws and low crime rates. Since then, the British have enacted numerous laws making it hard for private citizens to own guns or defend themselves. As a result, crime rates have soared. In fact, handgun crime in the United Kingdom increased 40 percent in the two years after the country passed its gun ban in 1997, according to the BBC News.
3. United States Should Shoot Down U.N. Small Arms Treaty, by H. Sterling Burnett, National Center for Policy Analysis, 12/15/10
The United Nations is an extension of the Obama theory that people are too stupid to run their own lives. In the case of the United Nations, the UN beleives that nations are unable to set correct policy (except the terrorist and totalitarian nations)
"Threat to Individual Gun Ownership. America's Founders recognized that individuals have a natural right to defend themselves against predators of all types, including criminals and tyrannical states. Thus, they enshrined the right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Gun control measures motivated by a sincere desire to protect people from crime have often made the situation worse. For example, at the turn of the 20th century, Great Britain had few gun control laws and low crime rates. Since then, the British have enacted numerous laws making it hard for private citizens to own guns or defend themselves. As a result, crime rates have soared. In fact, handgun crime in the United Kingdom increased 40 percent in the two years after the country passed its gun ban in 1997, according to the BBC News."
4. Examiner Editorial: Breast cancer drug offers glimpse of death panels, By: Washington Examiner Editorial 12/14/10:
Barack Obama really believes in the phrase, "Women and children first". The President supports the killing of any and all children via abortion (except his). His health care plan insists on Death Panels and the first victims are women. he believes a women with late stages of breast cancer should not fight it, just make plans for a funeral. He is a sick man.
"On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration could doom thousands of breast cancer victims. The FDA will be considering the unprecedented step of revoking approval for Avastin, a drug that represents the last hope for women with late-stage breast cancer. About 17,500 women a year are treated with the drug, which cuts off blood flow to tumors. It does not cure cancer, but it does stop its growth and extend life. Unfortunately, medical miracles don't come cheap -- treating a breast cancer patient with Avastin can cost $90,000 a year. In 2008, the FDA's Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee put Avastin on a track to "accelerated approval" following a clinical study showing 52 percent of the women on the drug showed improvement in "progression-free survival." On average, Avastin extended the life of patients by 5 1/2 months, but some survive for years. Subsequent clinical studies showed only 36 percent and 31 percent of women had improved survival rates, a far better outcome than the alternative -- death. The FDA confirmed last year that Avastin would be approved pending "improvement in progression-free survival and evidence that survival is not impaired."
What is your mother, daughter, wife worth? To Obama, nothing. Why aren't Leftist women's groups, like NOW, screaming?
5. The Obama Team’s Other Lost Election, Despite the administration’s thumb on the scale, Delta doesn’t unionize., By FRED BARNES, Weekly Standard, 12/20/10
Even with a stacked deck, workers refuse to be forced to pay bribes in order to work. Obama did all he could to enslave 56,000 Delta airline workers. But, a free AND SECRET ballot, allowed the workers by a 70 to 30 percent margin said no to corrupt unions owning them. Workers united can stop corruption form the White House in favor of corrupt unions.
"The final election, conducted last week, delivered the most stunning verdict. Delta workers at airports and reservation centers rejected the IAM, 70-30 percent. In November, flight attendants voted against unionization, 52-48 percent. Ramp (or “under the wing&rdquo

It was a clean sweep for Delta and shocking to labor organizers. As a result, 17,000 former Northwest employees who had been union members will become nonunion once the election results have been certified. That may take a while because the unions have filed formal complaints that Delta interfered with the election. They are seeking a new election. Unions do this routinely when they lose an election. They are poor losers"
6. A Christmas delight from YouTube. this was sent to me by a great subscriber, John N. Mannheim Steamroller as you never heard them.
Frisco Christmas Lights - Wizards in Winter