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Grand Finale

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  • Grand Finale

    In the Spirit of the Fourth of July, here is a short clip of the fireworks grand finale I took several years ago in Oregon

    [ame=""]YouTube - Grand finale[/ame]

  • #2
    There is a firework show near me every year, this year they had a c-17 fly-over during the event. The plane flew over several events throughout the county. We live on a hill, so when the plane headed our way it was coming straight towards us.... this HUGE loud lumbering c-17 seemed to be flying low right up our street, then to slowly make a turn just before going over the house. That was SOOOOOO cool! Talk about blocking out the sun!


    • #3
      No thanks Blu,

      We live just a hop, skip, and a jump from what used to be Mather AFB, and some years ago, one of those big lumbering beasts fell from the sky during a TOAL drill. Some people died, and some horses were burned too. Then, more recently, a big package delivery jet crashed on take-off from there too with more death and destruction. I remember feeling like you prior to seeing these pretty close, and now I'm cured of it.
      I'll stick with fireworks now


      • #4
        Sure bad things happen but it's still safer in the sky than on the road. I've just always been fascinated with air planes (my pops was a pilot).

        Some idiots went on a flag burning spree and burned 5 American flags that were posted on private homes on the 4th of July. They haven't caught the suspects.....yet.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BluHaven
          Sure bad things happen but it's still safer in the sky than on the road. .
          Yes Ma'am; They are safer in the sky. It's when the planes hit the road that they aren't so safe.


          • #6
            The finale was really interesting.

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