If you have been restricted to this area, it may be because you have violated the rules one time in a big way, many times in a small way, or somewhere in between. We'd like you to learn from others so you can rejoin the larger group and resume posting on the main board, so please take this opportunity to observe those who post within the rules, and those who do not.
If you have been restricted to this area because of habitually using profanity, this is a good place for you to show us that you can post without using obnoxious language. A colorful metaphor is acceptable when used sparingly. Very sparingly
If you have been restricted to this area because your posts have included advertisements of, links to, or encouragement of, supremacist and/or separatist mindset; please learn that fighting back against fraud and corruption is already a lonely occupation. Most of us do not want to slim our ranks down even more by limiting the race or religion of our fellow fighters. We don't want others doing that for us either. Cling to your views if you must, but we cannot let you practice them here. Please use this time to exhibit that you can post without including that portion of your personna.
If you have been restricted to this area because of an ongoing written battle with another poster, please take this time to reflect on why you would want to even stay around someone who makes you that angry, and then think about why we would want to fight alongside of someone who turns on his own team mates. We will watch your posts here and see if you can get along with the other restricted posters in this area before you are allowed back in the rest of the forum.
If more than one of you have been restricted to this area for carrying on a written battle with each other, please see that you keep it short in this section also, because Purgatory is not a permanent residence.
Your restriction time may have been exact, in which case it will be lifted after that period, or it may have been arbitrary, meaning it will be decided by a moderator or a group of them. In either case, try not to make a habit out of ending up here, as it may count against you in the long run also.
All posts here are still subject to moderation, and maybe deleted, edited, or commented on at the discretion of this sections moderator
All attachments, links, uploads, pictures, files etc., are subject to moderators approval before they will be posted, so do not expect your material to appear until it has been approved by this sections moderator.
We hope your stay here is short and that you can have your restrictions lifted quickly since we need spirited people in our corner in the battles ahead.
If you have been restricted to this area because of habitually using profanity, this is a good place for you to show us that you can post without using obnoxious language. A colorful metaphor is acceptable when used sparingly. Very sparingly
If you have been restricted to this area because your posts have included advertisements of, links to, or encouragement of, supremacist and/or separatist mindset; please learn that fighting back against fraud and corruption is already a lonely occupation. Most of us do not want to slim our ranks down even more by limiting the race or religion of our fellow fighters. We don't want others doing that for us either. Cling to your views if you must, but we cannot let you practice them here. Please use this time to exhibit that you can post without including that portion of your personna.
If you have been restricted to this area because of an ongoing written battle with another poster, please take this time to reflect on why you would want to even stay around someone who makes you that angry, and then think about why we would want to fight alongside of someone who turns on his own team mates. We will watch your posts here and see if you can get along with the other restricted posters in this area before you are allowed back in the rest of the forum.
If more than one of you have been restricted to this area for carrying on a written battle with each other, please see that you keep it short in this section also, because Purgatory is not a permanent residence.
Your restriction time may have been exact, in which case it will be lifted after that period, or it may have been arbitrary, meaning it will be decided by a moderator or a group of them. In either case, try not to make a habit out of ending up here, as it may count against you in the long run also.
All posts here are still subject to moderation, and maybe deleted, edited, or commented on at the discretion of this sections moderator
All attachments, links, uploads, pictures, files etc., are subject to moderators approval before they will be posted, so do not expect your material to appear until it has been approved by this sections moderator.
We hope your stay here is short and that you can have your restrictions lifted quickly since we need spirited people in our corner in the battles ahead.