Below is the permit issued for SEIU to lobby or hold a budget "vigil" at the state capitol in hopes of bullying our reps into protecting them from budget cuts.
Seriously, I just don't get how 8,000 employees can get the time off during a weekday to pool up like this. Actually, they do it quite often too. I am always seeing smaller gatherings of them on my rounds at the Capitol. Clearly they are using their numbers to threaten the budget masters. We need to email our reps and ask them how is it that civil service employees have such flexible schedules that allow them to get better access to the Capitol and their representatives than the rest of us can manage.
The actual permit is posted here if you want to download:
Seriously, I just don't get how 8,000 employees can get the time off during a weekday to pool up like this. Actually, they do it quite often too. I am always seeing smaller gatherings of them on my rounds at the Capitol. Clearly they are using their numbers to threaten the budget masters. We need to email our reps and ask them how is it that civil service employees have such flexible schedules that allow them to get better access to the Capitol and their representatives than the rest of us can manage.
The actual permit is posted here if you want to download:
Start Date: 6/30/2009 End Date: 7/1/2009
Permit#: 2009-0409 Status: Approved
Organization: SEIU Local 1000
Activity: Vigil and rally on budget Activity Items: Tents, chairs and sound
cuts.*****No open flames, candles, system*****SECURITY MONITORS MUST BE
camping stoves, camping tents, CLEARLY IDENTIFIABLE******
sleeping bags, cots or lodging
equipment permitted per the
Penal Code*****No loud music, or
amplified noise permitted past 10
Location: West Steps Participants 8000
Setup Time: 2 :00 PM Start 2 :00 PM End 2 :30 PM
Contact: Rafael Espinoza
Comments: *****Portable restrooms and garbage cans must be provided by SEIU*****
6/19/2009 -
Permit#: 2009-0409 Status: Approved
Organization: SEIU Local 1000
Activity: Vigil and rally on budget Activity Items: Tents, chairs and sound
cuts.*****No open flames, candles, system*****SECURITY MONITORS MUST BE
camping stoves, camping tents, CLEARLY IDENTIFIABLE******
sleeping bags, cots or lodging
equipment permitted per the
Penal Code*****No loud music, or
amplified noise permitted past 10
Location: West Steps Participants 8000
Setup Time: 2 :00 PM Start 2 :00 PM End 2 :30 PM
Contact: Rafael Espinoza
Comments: *****Portable restrooms and garbage cans must be provided by SEIU*****
6/19/2009 -