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Initiative: Circulation of #1373, Related to Constitutional Conventions
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I don't care for the looks of this so far:
SEC. 2.(f)(i)(4),A shredding service be provided onthe Convention Site, so that the privacy and securityof the Convention be maintained, until the work of theConvention is completeSEC.i 5.(n) ,In accordance with Artic Ie 36 Sec 1(b)(iii)(9), Upon sealed notice by the Secretary ofState, of the certified election of all Delegates tothe Constitutional Convention, the Governor ofCalifornia shall order the California State HighwayPatrol to immediately gather and sequester each andeveryone of the duly Elected Convention Delegates atthe Convention location specified in this Article 37Section 6, until completion of the new ConstitutionSEC. 5.(0),In accordance with Article 36 Sec 1(b)(iii)(lO), and in accordance with 36 Sec 1 (c) (iii),Upon completion of the sequestration of all ElectedDelegates, at the specific Convention site specified inthis Article 37 Section 7, the Governor of Californiashall pUblicly release the full results of theConstitutional Convention Delegates Election to thePeople of California, and further legally notice thePeople of California that their Convention Delegatesare sequestered and in service to the People ofCalifornia in Convention to create a New StateConstitution,
.SEC. 6.(a) ,In accordance with Article 36 Sec 1(b) (viii), The will of the electors of California isthe Constitutional Convention shall have a secure site,and secure facilities, and further shall use the Power
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of Eminent Domain to specify the site, and provide forthe security of the site of the Convention, andfurtherSEC. 6.(e),The will of the people of California isthat the Convention remain private and secure to insurefree deliberations and decisions, necessary to completethe creation of the new Constitution of the State ofCalifornia, without any contact, pressure or outsideinfluence from any non elected person or persons
SEC. 6.(g),This Article 37 specifies the locationof the Constitutional Convention as the AsilomarConference Center, in Monterey County, located at 800Asilomar Avenue, in Pacific Grove California (93950)
SEC. 7.(b),In accordance with Article 36 Sec. 1(b)(vii)(2), the Government of California shall insurethe will of the electors, that all Elected ConventionDelegates and Convention Staff be isolated from allcontact with any efforts by any special interest,political party, non-elected third persons, and anyother outside influence from any source, for theduration of the Constitutional Convention, in the
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interests of the People of California -
Look what came up when I searched a bit on the author of this proposed Constitutional Amendment, Paul T Currier:
"Paul Currier met . . . Robert Chow in 1999. Chow was a teacher of telecommunications at several schools in the Bay Area. He was also employed by MCI Worldcom as a telecommunications specialist. Currier had a varied business background and sought to create a wireless communications company. Their mutual interests resulted in their entering into a business relationship to create a telecommunications start-up company. . . . Chow has over 20 years' experience in microwave technology and 10 years' experience in optical voice and data networks. . . . Chow anticipated working strictly in the technical operations of the company, while . . . Currier would be responsible for the fundraising and routine operations."
Currier and Chow formed two entities, Communications Bridge USA, Inc. (CBUSA), and Communication Bridge Global, Inc. (CBG). As Chow described it, it was only after the two firms were incorporated, with himself and Currier as "the initial officers, directors and shareholders," that he learned certain things about Currier that caused him to reconsider the project: "These included Currier's prior felony drug conviction that resulted in prison time; allegations of spousal abuse; past due child support payments; bad credit history; history of alcoholism; outstanding liens from the Internal Revenue Service; and a sexual harassment case in federal court. Furthermore, Currier had represented to Chow that he would bring in millions of dollars from investors, yet failed to bring in a single one."
These concerns led to a special meeting of CBUSA's shareholders that was held in June 2001. The shareholders voted to remove Currier from the board of directors and from his position as president. Chow became CEO and Chairman of the Board. Attempts to put CBUSA on its feet were unavailing, and it filed for bankruptcy in August 2001. The chapter 7 liquidation was concluded in December 2003, and Chow lost his investment of approximately $200,000.Comment