On June 23, 2009, the SOS submitted the VoteCal Project request document known as the Special Project Report (SPR) to the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). The OCIO will share review responsibility with the Department of Finance (DOF). The OCIO and DOF have 30 days to review the SPR. These control agencies (OCIO and DOF) can approve the project, approve the project with conditions, or deny approval of the project. If they approve the project (with or without conditions), they forward the SOS' SPR to the Legislature. The Legislature then has 30 days to review the SPR. The Legislature can approve or deny the request or hold a hearing on the request. Since there are triggers for both the control agencies and the Legislature to effectively 'stop the clock' we anticipate the review process taking at least 60 days. </img> </img> </img>