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Nightingale for Governor

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  • #61
    AIP denies Nightingale

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: AIP denies Nightingale
    Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 1455 -0700
    From: Patriotic Warrior

    More lies.

    I sent an email to the Chairman of the AIP and asked if Chelene Nightingale is their candidate. Here is the response I received.

    And for those of you who think this is made up, I suggest you email the AIP yourself.


    From: Markham ([email protected])
    Sent: Thu 8/20/09 9:34 AM
    To: 'Patriotic Warrior' )

    No. The primary hasn’t been held yet. We will be endorsing someone else for Governor. A tiny group calling themselves a “Branch of the Constitution Party” has endorsed her.

    She never approached the AIP State Central Committee. It is fraudulent for her to use our name. We will be demanding in forceful terms that she cease and desist this deceitful representation.

    Markham Robinson, AIP Chairman
    From: Patriotic Warrior
    Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:33 AM
    Hello sir,

    Is Chelene Nightingale the AIP's candidate for Governor of California?

    Thank you for your time.


    • #62
      She's in the primary so far


      • #63
        If James Griffin was born in 1927 he was/will be 82 years old this year 2009. Is there no age limit?


        • #64
          No age limit. But Nightingale is working the "advanced geezer" crowd for support, so maybe the younger generation didn't find her hip enough to listen to her speeches


          • #65
            Originally posted by borderwatch
            -------- Original Message --------
            Subject: AIP denies Nightingale
            Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 1455 -0700
            From: Patriotic Warrior

            More lies.

            I sent an email to the Chairman of the AIP and asked if Chelene Nightingale is their candidate. Here is the response I received.

            And for those of you who think this is made up, I suggest you email the AIP yourself.


            From: Markham ([email protected])
            Sent: Thu 8/20/09 9:34 AM
            To: 'Patriotic Warrior' )

            No. The primary hasn’t been held yet. We will be endorsing someone else for Governor. A tiny group calling themselves a “Branch of the Constitution Party” has endorsed her.

            She never approached the AIP State Central Committee. It is fraudulent for her to use our name. We will be demanding in forceful terms that she cease and desist this deceitful representation.

            Markham Robinson, AIP Chairman
            From: Patriotic Warrior
            Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:33 AM
            Hello sir,

            Is Chelene Nightingale the AIP's candidate for Governor of California?

            Thank you for your time.


            • #66
              The convoluted statement is on her page.

              Nightingale, who also brings with her significant border security/Illegal immigration issue credentials, as a past president of California's Save Our State organization, has been endorsed in her race by 2008 Constitution Party Presidential nominee, Chuck Baldwin; National Veterans Coalition Chairman, Larry Breazeale ( California AIP leader since 1972); Constitution Party National Executive Committee member and AIP candidate for Congress in California's 45th District (running against Mary Bono) Bill Lussenheide; Constitution Party National Chairman, Jim Clymer; nearly every living former California AIP State Chairman, including Jim Griffin, Gary Odom, Merton Short, Nathan Johnson, Nancy Shearer Chiasson (whose parents, Bill and Eileen Shearer founded the American Independent Party in 1967) and Jim King (who is again serveing as the AIP state chairman, recognized by the Constitution Party); Los Angeles County AIP Central Committee Chairman, Ted Nicholoff; past and present California US Senate Candidate, Don Grundmann; AIP candidate for California State Treasurer, Robert Lauten; long time AIP state treasurer and City of Torrance Water Board member, Charles Deemer; and many other American Independent leaders and candidates for congressional and legislative office across the state of California.

              Nightingale is seeking to win the American Independent Party's primary election next June and become the party's nominee in the November 2010 general election. [The American Independent Party of California was a charter state affiliate of the Constitution Party (then known as the US Taxpayers Party) when it was founded in 1992. The AIP, chaired by Jim King, continues to be recognized by the Constitution Party as its official California state affiliate]
              Just like her to insinuate this and that while talking her sh!t. In writing, she has to keep it somewhat truthful. As usual, she's turning the membership against one another in her quest for admiration and fame.
              Last edited by AyatollahGondola; 09-17-2009, 09:48 PM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by AyatollahGondola
                The convoluted statement is on her page.

                Just like her to insinuate this and that while talking her sh!t. In writing, she has to keep it somewhat truthful. As usual, she's turning the membership against one another in her quest for admiration and fame.
                It's Chelene being Chelene. Always concerned about her agenda, and her agenda only. It reminds of of Ted Hayes march on Leimert Park, where Ted and four others were arrested for acts of civil disobedience. I spied Chelene talking to a member of the opposition that had crossed to our side of the street. My question at that time was, "If Chelene is/was such a great leader, why was she not standing with Ted?"


                • #68
                  Because Chelene Nightingale is as VAIN and as FICKLE as the WIND!


                  • #69
                    Just like her to insinuate this and that while talking her sh!t.

                    It's Chelene being Chelene.

                    Because Chelene Nightingale is as VAIN and as FICKLE as the WIND!

                    Stop slamming my candidate! This latest revelation only demonstrates she was born to be a contemporary politician. That excerpt from her website and following denial issued by the AIP committee illustrate that, in her heart, she is a mainstream Republican or Democratic elected official waiting to happen.

                    Anymore crap out of you fake patriots and I'll be notifying Mike and Janet of your activities. Let's see how much treason you have to mouth when the reality of being banned from the State of California is hanging over your heads after Chelene is elected!
                    Last edited by; 09-18-2009, 08:46 PM.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by

                      Stop slamming my candidate! Let's see how much treason you have to mouth when the reality of being banned from the State of California is hanging over your heads after Chelene is elected!
                      I never thought of that. The ultimate ban. Accompanied by a press release with the usual crime references: Creating Drama and Divide.
                      Now I'm scared....


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by
                        Let's see how much treason you have to mouth when the reality of being banned from the State of California is hanging over your heads after Chelene is elected!

                        Please can the ban begin now? I am so over California.


                        • #72
                          It would make MORE sense and seem MORE credible to start at the LOCAL level FIRST by running for a CITY or TOWN council seat and working UP from there. Contending for the state's TOP political position, the GOVERNORSHIP, on the INITIAL attempt may be aiming a bit TOO high!


                          • #73
                            And now, only in the interests of gratuitously piling on in a mean spirited fashion ...

                            From: Patriotic Warrior
                            Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:33 AM
                            Hello sir,

                            Is Chelene Nightingale the AIP's candidate for Governor of California?

                            Thank you for your time.

                            From: Markham ([email protected])
                            Sent: Thu 8/20/09 9:34 AM
                            To: 'Patriotic Warrior' )

                            No. The primary hasn’t been held yet. We will be endorsing someone else for Governor. A tiny group calling themselves a “Branch of the Constitution Party” has endorsed her.

                            She never approached the AIP State Central Committee. It is fraudulent for her to use our name. We will be demanding in forceful terms that she cease and desist this deceitful representation.

                            Markham Robinson, AIP Chairman

                            [ame=""]YouTube - Chelene Nightingale for CA Governor[/ame]

                            "Look, um, I know that some of you may be shocked that the American Independent Party has selected me to be their gubernatorial candidate for 2010."

                            Well, based upon all present evidence available, so were the members charged with running the state branch of the Party.


                            • #74

                              I feel like puking after watching that.
                              Last edited by ilbegone; 09-24-2009, 08:27 PM.


                              • #75
                                It's the same empty talk from the same empty head.

