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Distributing Fliers in the neighborhood

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  • Distributing Fliers in the neighborhood

    Ayatollah steps up the effort to stop the day labor center from opening in this neighborhood. House to house on a weekly or daily basis, we bring the illegal worker issue right to your home.

    [ame=""]YouTube - distributing fliers in the neighborhood[/ame]

    Another hour or more of flier passing in the neighborhood. I have learned a new respect for postal carriers, as I had several encounters with dogs today. This is a tough area, and most people have dogs. Some of them get out. Also, I ran into a lot more houses that have been recently abandoned. The real estate downturn has affected this area profoundly. I saw a lot of notices on doors that "this property is owned by ______Bank"
    Another interesting item was that some hispanics have posted notices on their doors that they are Catholics and they do not want to be solicited by other religions. One house I went to had several bags of trash on the porch from last nights dinner, the previous days lunch(pizza) and other bags of garbage. And another home had about a hundred cigarette butts on the front yard. In passing one pick-up truck, I noticed about 40 empty budweiser cans. Now, in contrast, I saw many neatly trimmed yards and smartly decorated porches behind iron fences. They are barred in pretty well over here, but the old timers still believe in maintainance. I got a few phone calls already, two agreeing, and one not

    [ame=""]YouTube - distributing fliers[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube - distributing fliers part 2[/ame]